News Centre

SME confidence wanes as economic uncertainty takes hold

Small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are increasingly concerned about their prospects for growth in the coming 12 months, a new survey shows.

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Small businesses reveal their biggest worries of the year

Around a third of small businesses are concerned about sales and more than one in ten are worried about access to finance, according to a new survey. However, they are relatively relaxed about issues such as pension auto-enrolment, meeting the obligations of the National Living Wage and attracting and retaining skilled workers.

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Solvent liquidations tripled in the run up to April’s tax changes

March saw a record number of solvent companies being liquidated as directors looked to cash-in before tax changes were introduced that could have potentially tripled their tax bills.

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BIS launches consultation to shake-up of the UK’s corporate insolvency regime

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published a new consultation paper reviewing the corporate insolvency framework within the UK. According to the department, the review is focused on helping to facilitate company rescue rather than liquidation where this is possible and appropriate.

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SMEs remain evenly split on EU referendum

Big business might be largely in favour of remaining as part of the European Union, but with less than three weeks to go until the referendum, small and medium enterprises appear to be evenly divided on the issue.

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