News Centre

Should SMEs be worried by their reliance on friends and family?

As new research reveals that two-thirds of the UK’s smallest businesses rely on support from friends and family to stay afloat, how concerned should they be?

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Are the UK’s SMEs forgetting the elderly market?

Many retailers with an online presence could be missing out on a large portions of their potential market, according to new research.

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How missed export chances could be hampering UK small businesses

Small businesses across the UK could be missing out on much needed income as they are failing to grasp all opportunities available to them, a new study claims.

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More than half of SMEs lack marketing expertise

A shocking proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) feel that they are falling behind when it comes to marketing strategies – a fact compounded by their lack of understanding on the matter.

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Small Business Commissioner will address late payments

The Government’s newly appointed Small Business Commissioner will tackle late payments amongst SMEs and restore balance between the country’s largest and smallest organisations.

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