News Centre

Why tech SMEs should turn to the Cloud to boost security

Small businesses across the UK could enhance the protection of business and customer information by switching to the cloud, an EU Agency has claimed.

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Small house builders reveal post-recession struggles

Small house builders across the UK are struggling in the wake of rising property prices and government incentive schemes, new research suggests.

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Why small businesses shouldn’t be scared of switching energy supplier

Energy costs are one of the major outlays for most businesses and without careful management firms can end up paying more than is necessary.

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Why keeping a workforce motivated is key to success

Keeping a workforce motivated is vital to business success, as losing staff or having unproductive workers can impact on company finances.

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Could a lack of marketing be costing SMEs?

Just one fifth of small businesses in the UK view marketing as being key to potential growth in 2015 but does this mean they are missing an opportunity?

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