News Centre

How ‘Brand Britain’ is shaping company strategies

Britain as a brand is incredibly powerful – a factor picked up on by most businesses that are based in the UK.

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Are SMEs unknowingly missing out on financial opportunities?

SMEs could be unwittingly harming their chances of securing finances for growth, according to new research from Experian.

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UK SMEs show Europe the export routes

The UK’s small businesses are leading the way when it comes to exporting, outperforming all of their European neighbours according to a new survey.

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UK SMEs back Small Business Bill

An overwhelming proportion of UK SMEs have backed the Small Business Bill that is currently manoeuvring its way through parliament.

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Growing talent crisis could slow business recovery

A growing talent gap in the UK labour market could severely disrupt British businesses as a result of slow growth and lost opportunities, Hays plc has claimed.

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