News Centre

What makes a good business leader?

While there is no set way to ensure business success, strong and well thought out leadership can help to take a firm in the right direction.

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Learning from the big boys – how SMEs can benefit

Larger companies will do things on a larger scale than smaller companies – simple logic dictates that – but those smaller firms can learn a lot from those above them in the pecking order.

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Success through careful financial management

Success in business is by no means guaranteed, but bosses and directors can boost their chances by carefully managing their company’s finances.

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Concerns that skills shortage could stem economic recovery

A number of businesses in the UK are concerned that they will not be able to find skilled individuals to fill their available roles, according to a new survey.

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Lack of financial awareness stalling SME growth

SMEs across the UK could still be missing out on financial opportunities despite a burgeoning economy, according to new research.

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