News Centre

Are Britain’s businesses finally seeing a route to credit?

The final quarter of 2013 saw a dramatic rise in the level of loans available to businesses and the trend is set to escalate in the early part of this year, according to the Bank of England.

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The positives and negatives of corporate relocation

Moving business locations is not something that should be taken lightly, but it can have many positive impacts on the company if it is carried out in the correct manner.

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Cutting business costs in 2014

The start of a new year can provide the perfect time to reassess business operations and to decide if there are ways of cutting some unnecessary costs.

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SMEs the target of new government project

The British Business Bank will begin its operations in 2014 as part of the government’s project to boost finance for enterprise, with SMEs the prime target.

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SMEs urged to grab slice of £2.5 billion funding pot

Small and medium sized businesses across the UK are being urged to apply for access to a new European Union funding pot.

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