News Centre

Moorfields Corporate Recovery announce closure of remaining Blockbuster Stores

Joint Administrators Simon Thomas and Nick O’Reilly of Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP have issued the following statement:

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Different ways that SMEs can grow in 2014

With 2014 just around the corner, and the economic recovery slowly getting into full swing, the time has come to look ahead.

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What factors are impacting SME growth?

A new study has highlighted the key areas of focus for many SMEs that are looking to expand – namely tax relief, the recruitment of skilled graduates and access to finance.

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Government pledges additional £250m to help British businesses

The government has pledged an extra £250million to the British Business Bank to help small and medium-sized companies contribute further to the economic recovery.

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How SMEs can save energy and money

Every business is consistently looking to save money as that can obviously boost profits, and a good place to start can revolve around tackling energy issues.

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