News Centre

VAT changes in 2015 set to affect businesses and customers

Changes to taxation for telecommunication, broadcast, media and content will affect both customers and business from 2015. Those who may be involved are being encouraged to prepare for it as effectively as they can.

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New format may encourage SMEs to consider the benefits of changing banks

SMEs are set to benefit from the latest round of changes to hit the banking system, as switching current accounts is set to be made easier.

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Paul Zalkin, Head of property Solutions in this month’s edition of R3 magazine covering Maximising Recovery in Real Estate

This article was first published in the Autumn issue of RECOVERY. It is reproduced with the permission of R3 and GTI Media.

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Moorfields appointed Administrators over leading Nationwide Publisher

Simon Thomas and Shelley Bullman of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP, have been appointed administrators over TNT Multimedia Limited on 05 September 2013.

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Are UK SMEs fully aware of their lending options?

Many small businesses in the UK may be missing out on cheap financing options, a new study has revealed.

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