News Centre

How can I tell if my business needs to appoint LPA receivers?

Property is an asset that can be particularly complex to assess once a struggling business heads towards administration.

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Why are so many hotels falling into receivership?

Insolvency-related UK hotel sales are expected to reach record levels in 2013, with the decision by several banks to rapidly accelerate the deleveraging process widely accepted as the reason for this trend.

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SMEs struggle to agree on what the economic future holds

A new survey appears to suggest that opinions among SMEs are firmly divided on the general health of the UK economy, as well as where it is heading in the immediate future.

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The art of planning ahead to ensure long-term growth

Forward planning is the key to the long-term success of any business. Despite this, almost two-thirds (61%) of UK SMEs in a recent survey admitted that they fail to forecast sufficiently.

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A guide to property insolvency

Property insolvency can be an incredibly complex and opaque process that demands specialist knowledge and a thorough understanding of insolvency law and regulation. This is particularly true when the effect which the current economic climate has had on property markets is considered.

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