News Centre

3 non-essential costs that all companies can cut out

In the current financial climate it can be difficult for struggling businesses to determine if they are running their operation as efficiently as possible.

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Property receivership – what do I need to know?

Economic pressures are putting companies all over the UK under strain. A fall in consumer spending has hit a variety of businesses notably hard and there are numerous potential consequences in this situation.

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Buyer secured for UK'S largest supplier of flexible and flex-rigid multilayer circuits

Simon Thomas and Shelley Bullman both of leading restructuring and insolvency firm Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP, have announced the successful sale of one of the UK’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of flexible and flex-rigid multilayer circuits, Teknoflex Ltd , which was placed into administration on Monday 14th January 2013.

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HMRC – what are your options when you cannot afford to keep up to date with payments?

With fears that the UK could take at least a decade to regain its recently downgraded AAA credit rating, businesses in Britain could continue to face barriers to growth amidst a challenging economic environment.

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Moorfields appointed Administrators over portfolio of 50 assets in Scotland

Simon Thomas and Shelley Bullman of leading insolvency and restructuring firm Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP have been appointed administrators over St Vincent St (491) Ltd (SVS) on 14th February 2013.

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