News Centre

Irrational demands force SMEs to turn down contracts

Around half of small businesses have been forced to turn down contracts that they would be unable to deliver due to unfair demands, according to new research.

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UK businesses are taking widespread data risks

The majority of UK businesses are running the risk of losing 24 hours of data on a daily basis from low technical skills, new research has claimed.

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East of England businesses facing heightened insolvency risk

Technology and retail firms in the East of England are facing a heightened risk of insolvency, according to new figures..

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Insider fraud concerns rise among financial decision makers

Concerns over financial fraud, particularly among business insiders have increased dramatically during the past 12 months.

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Small firms list retaining clients as most pressing concern

Retaining clients is the primary concern for the UK’s small business owners, ahead of cash flow and late payment issues, according to new research.

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