Business Insights

Small businesses bemoan ‘intensive’ HMRC tax probes

More than half of small businesses involved in HMRC tax investigations believes they are too intensive, new research shows.

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Firms left counting the cost of absenteeism

Staff absence can have a major impact on small business operations, especially if it means orders are not fulfilled or opportunities are missed.

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Business confidence up but firms still need cautious approach

Small business confidence is at a one‐year high according to the Federation of Small Businesses, but the situation is still prone to change.

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Insolvency domino effect leaves one in four firms counting the cost

One in four UK businesses has faced financial setback as a result of insolvency elsewhere in the first six months of 2018, new figures show.

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North East insolvency risk surges in first half of 2018

The proportion of North Eastern businesses deemed to be facing an above average risk of insolvency has surged by 15% in the first half of 2018.

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