Business Insights

Tech jobs offer dream careers for boys but girls look elsewhere

Jobs in technology-related areas are the preferred career choices for 11 to 18 year olds in the UK, a new study has found.

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Late payments are ‘endemic’ to UK business landscape

A new study claims that late payments to SMEs are endemic in the UK business ecosystem.

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Are SMEs becoming too risk averse to seek funding?

A new report suggests that a ‘non-borrowing culture’ is growing among small and medium businesses in the UK.

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Only a quarter of SMEs routinely conduct risk assessments when employees travel

Just one in four SMEs say they only conduct risk assessments if an employee is travelling to an area deemed particularly high risk, according to a new study.

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Small businesses are sceptical on alternative payment services

The majority of small business owners still rely on banks for their payment services, a new survey has found. Many said they were sceptical of, or didn’t entirely trust, alternative payment providers.

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