Business Insights

Half of small businesses experience crime but many don’t report it

A new report by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has revealed that a large proportion of smaller businesses fail to report crimes because they do not believe that doing so would lead to a successful prosecution.

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HMRC assessed in new ‘administrative burdens’ report

The Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB) has analysed HMRC’s levels of service as well as expressing concerns about the Making Tax Digital process in its latest annual report.

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Crowdfunded businesses give up more than 10% of their equity

Start-ups and other businesses looking to crowdsource funding typically have to give away 12.4% of their equity to investors, a new report has found.

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What are the top risks faced by global businesses?

The top three risks faced by firms are business and supply chain interruption, market developments and cyber incidents. That’s according to the Allianz Risk Barometer 2016, which surveyed more than 800 risk managers and insurance experts from over 40 different countries.

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Lending to SMEs increases but problems remain

Lending to non-financial SMEs grew by £0.7 billion in February, according to figures released by the Bank of England. This is a sharp rise from the average monthly increase of £0.2 billion seen over the previous six months.

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