Business Insights

UK businesses at risk to volatile currency markets

Many UK SMEs are failing to protect themselves against fluctuations in the currency markets, according to a new report from Reuters.

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Lending to small business improves but problems still remain

Bank lending to small businesses has grown for the first time since the financial crash but problems still remain, according to a new report.

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Cyber-attacks could have a serious effect on SME's reputations

It might be an intangible asset but the reputation of any business can have a huge bearing on that company’s ongoing success. In a new survey, 93% of small business owners said they thought about their company’s reputation frequently or all the time.

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Only a third of small businesses have professional indemnity insurance

Just over a third of UK small businesses and sole traders are protected by professional indemnity insurance, a new survey suggests.

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More than 12,000 shops have stood empty for three years or more

There has been a sharp rise in the number of retail premises in the UK that have been left vacant for three years or more. The overall proportion of empty shops has declined but the increase in long-term vacancies suggests that, once empty, many shops become harder to let.

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