Business Insights

Record number of businesses are started in the UK

More businesses are being started in the UK than ever before, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics.

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Small business rates relief extended for another year

George Osborne’s Autumn Statement and Spending Review included a number of headline-grabbing announcements. However for many small business owners, especially those who are struggling or operating on tight budgets, one of the less glamorous announcements could be more important.

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Majority of businesses are at risk from insider threats

Chancellor George Osborne announced that the UK would be almost doubling its spending on cyber security between now and 2020 last week. The statement was seen as a response to the Paris attacks and the fact that terrorist groups and other hostile forces now represent a cyber threat as well as a physical one.

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Fear of failure puts off potential UK entrepreneurs

Small businesses are the lifeblood of the UK economy. According to the latest House of Commons briefing paper on business statistics, more than 99% of businesses in the UK were SMEs and 95% of those were micro-businesses, employing nine or fewer people. SMEs accounted for 60% of employment and 47% of turnover in the UK.

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UK entrepreneurs pile £240 billion into ‘after-hours economy’

The UK’s entrepreneurs have contributed £240 billion worth of work to the ‘after-hours’ economy by working above and beyond standard industry hours, according to a new report.

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