Business Insights

How tiredness could be dragging SMEs down

Staff falling asleep at their desks or taking time off work for tiredness is costing the UK economy more than £450 million a year, a new study suggests.

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How extra training and apprenticeships could aid UK businesses

Small businesses across the UK are recognising the value of apprenticeships but don’t want the hassle of the administration that is attached to them, new research suggests.

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Is a failure to embrace technology costing UK businesses?

Technology has advanced considerably in the past decade but new research suggests many businesses are still using outdated practices and equipment.

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SMEs optimistic for year ahead

Small businesses in the UK are very positive about the year ahead with more than half outlining plans to hire staff, according to a new survey.

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Are conditions right for small companies to branch out?

Business expansion within national borders can be difficult in itself, but making a decision to enter into export markets can be even tougher.

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