Business Insights

Rural SMEs struggling to meet growth potential

Nearly half of rural SMEs in the UK are restricted in their day to day operations by poor broadband connections, the Federation of Small Businesses has revealed.

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SMEs lacking insurance could be at risk

Thousands of UK businesses lack employer’s liability insurance according to a new study, despite it being a basic legal requirement for any firm that employs staff.

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The importance of tech investment for UK small businesses

Investment in broadband infrastructure is a key priority for 90% of small businesses in the UK in the coming 12 months, a new report has revealed.

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Do companies need to watch their finances more closely?

A new survey of small businesses has revealed that a third have never considered changing their finance provider, despite the potential benefits of doing so.

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Half of SMEs just an hour from cyber danger

The IT systems of half of UK businesses could be hacked in less than an hour by increasingly sophisticated hackers, a leading security expert has claimed.

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