Business Insights

Why firms need to watch their business costs

The cost of doing business is increasing quicker than the rate of inflation, according to new data, showcasing the need for firms to keep a close eye on their finances.

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How ‘Brand Britain’ is shaping company strategies

Britain as a brand is incredibly powerful – a factor picked up on by most businesses that are based in the UK.

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Are SMEs unknowingly missing out on financial opportunities?

SMEs could be unwittingly harming their chances of securing finances for growth, according to new research from Experian.

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UK SMEs show Europe the export routes

The UK’s small businesses are leading the way when it comes to exporting, outperforming all of their European neighbours according to a new survey.

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UK SMEs back Small Business Bill

An overwhelming proportion of UK SMEs have backed the Small Business Bill that is currently manoeuvring its way through parliament.

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