Business Insights

SMEs confident of gaining investment funding

Confidence among small businesses in the UK is improving, with three in five now believing they would be successful were they to apply for a bank loan.

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Start-up business owners reveal financial concerns

The economy might be recovering at a good pace but that will represent little joy to some small business owners if the latest results of a new poll are anything to go by.

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Tackling workplace stress to boost productivity

Stress in the workplace can have a number of negative effects on a business, putting it high on the list of any issues that need attending to.

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Are European SMEs missing out on export openings?

Small businesses across Europe could be missing out on a number of export opportunities, according to new research covering seven countries.

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What to consider when moving business space

For any company looking to expand, there will eventually come a day when the available office space is simply not large enough.

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