Business Insights

How SMEs can do battle for top talent

As a greater number of smaller companies look to hire following the economic upturn, a battle for the best talent begins.

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Zurich research highlights plight of UK SMEs

The UK economy may be showing signs of recovery but one in eight small firms have still faced closure in recent months, according to new research.

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Winding up a company: How the process works

If a company is unable to pay its debts then it’s possible to apply for a winding up petition which could see a business placed in liquidation.

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Do SMEs reflect the state of the economic recovery?

It is widely reported that SMEs are the lifeblood of the UK economy and given the fact there are more than five million of them, such a statement is hardly surprising.

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Tackling cyber crime: What small businesses can do

As cyber criminals have ever more sophisticated technology at their disposal, cyber crime is becoming an increasing threat for business. With a growing number of businesses affected, small businesses are likely to be asking what they can do protect themselves.

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