Business Insights

The value of an Apprentice

Apprentices provide significant returns on investment for many businesses according to a recent report, with economic output constantly outweighing the costs of training and wages.

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Moving to online sales – what to consider

Going online can open up a whole range of possibilities for companies in terms of how they sell products and market themselves.

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Where do the priorities of businesses lie in 2014?

Deciding which aspects of business to focus on can be the difference between success and failure – a reason why these decisions should not to be taken lightly.

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British SMEs turning their backs on finance options

An overwhelming majority of Britain’s small and medium sized businesses were not interested in external finance in the final months of 2013, according to the latest figures.

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SMEs considering their ‘green’ options

More SMEs are considering the environmental impacts of their businesses as they look to cut unnecessary costs, according to a company that studies environmental and financial business risks.

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