Business Insights

Small firms confident of overcoming 2018 challenges

Small business owners remain confident in their ability to do business in the UK, despite the plethora of challenges they currently face, new research shows.

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Unpaid tax and VAT mounts as SMEs reveal cash flow struggles

HM Revenue and Customs is owed £4.37 billion in unpaid VAT and Corporation Tax, new figures have revealed.

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North East sees surge in insolvency risk levels

More businesses in the North East are facing up to a heightened risk of insolvency than a year ago, new figures show.

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Collapse of Carillion hits small businesses hard

Thousands of small businesses, as well as banks and engineering firms, stand to lose around £4 billion following the compulsory liquidation of building giant Carillion.

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Tax complexities trouble UK SMEs

A growing number of UK businesses are failing due to debts owed to HMRC, new figures show.

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