Business Insights

Rising insolvency rates hit freight transport sector

The Freight Transport Association has called for a cut in fuel duty to help tackle rising insolvency levels in the logistics sector.

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R3 Midlands urges government to push corporate insolvency reform

The Government should consider more corporate insolvency reform in the upcoming budget, according to the Midlands branch of insolvency and restructuring trade body R3.

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FSB calls for Budget support for struggling small housebuilders

The Federation of Small Businesses has called on Chancellor Phillip Hammond to help rescue the nation’s small house builders in the upcoming Budget.

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SMEs struggle with late payments and fraud

Nearly six in ten small business have to chase and re-chase for payments they are owed, according to new research.

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Northern businesses optimistic despite widespread distress signals

Firms across the North East remain optimistic for 2018, despite a rising number of them showing signs of business distress.

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