Business Insights

Small IT firms unconcerned but cautious of Brexit impacts

Small technology firms have revealed that they believe Brexit will have little impact on their Software of IT Services (SITS) business, although many are proceeding with caution.

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Midlands insolvency risk bucks national trend

National rates of corporate insolvencies may be declining according to government figures, but risk levels in the Midlands buck the trend.

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Small businesses expect exports to slow in wake of Brexit

Economic and political uncertainty are denting business confidence, according to the latest data from the ICARW Business Confidence Monitor.

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Uncertainty puts businesses on the back foot

Economic and political uncertainty are denting business confidence, according to the latest data from the ICARW Business Confidence Monitor.

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Vast majority of SMEs are overcharged for their energy

Late payments are not just impacting on small businesses, as new research highlights that 94% of medium-sized firms are also facing issues.

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