Business Insights

SMEs to provide £200 billion economic boost by 2020

Small businesses are expected to contribute £217 billion to the economy by 2020, according to new research.

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Lack of cash alternatives costing SMEs £9.4 billion annually

Failure to offer alternative payment methods to cash transactions is costing small businesses billions of pounds, according to new research.

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Failure to cater for disabilities could be costing small businesses

A failure to cater for the needs of disabled customers could mean that the UK’s small businesses are missing out on a market worth more than £200 billion.

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Property giants keep small construction firms waiting

Small construction firms in the UK are being forced to wait nearly two months to receive payments from large property developments, according to new research.

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Failure to report fraud losses is costing small businesses

Nearly one in five small businesses has failed to report fraud according to new research, and it is costing firms hundreds of millions of pounds.

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