
Retail Bulletin - UK Shopping Centres

Recent headlines heralding the beginnings of a recovery in the retail sector may do little to settle the nerves of investors in sub-prime secondary and tertiary retail space.

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Administration v Fixed Charge Receiver

When borrowers default what options are lenders left with to enforce their security? Moorfields explore the differences of Administration v Fixed Charge Receivership.

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Case Study - One of the UK’S largest co-operatives

12 dormant subsidiaries of one of the UK's largest societies.

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Case Study - FTSE 100 Group

Approximately 125 UK Subsidiaries wanting to reduce costs. Prepared methodology for client's legal, accounting and tax teams to use to identify companies to be liquidated.

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Property Views Spring Edition 2013

A newsletter for lenders and professionals exploring the challenges and opportunities facing the distressed real estate sector.

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