News Centre

Consumers face risk of cybercrime as small businesses fail to act

Despite the dangers to their clients, the majority of small businesses remain open to cyber-attacks, new research has revealed.

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Outstanding invoices for SMEs tops £586 billion

The UK’s army of small and medium-sized businesses are owed more than £586 billion in outstanding invoices, new research has revealed.

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Failing to switch energy providers is hitting small businesses

A failure to switch to cheaper energy tariffs and suppliers is costing the UK’s small businesses vast sums of money, new research has revealed.

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Lack of digital skills is influencing business turnover

Nearly four in ten of the UK’s small businesses lack basic digital skills, according to new research from Lloyds Bank UK.

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Small businesses face up to disruption costs

More than half a million small businesses have been forced to halt trading in the last two years as a result of some sort of disruption, according to new research.

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