News Centre

Moorfields appointed receivers over luxury portfolio in the South East

Property specialists Arron Kendall and Simon Thomas of Moorfields have been appointed joint LPA receivers on 9th June 2016.

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Purchasing managers’ index suggests London businesses are contracting

Businesses across England and Wales have shown signs of contraction in the wake of the vote to leave the European Referendum.

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Small business owners risk their health through over-work

Small business owners are working 13 hours per week more than the UK average and nearly a third believe that running their company is negatively affecting their health, according to a new report.

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Leading property specialists Simon Thomas and Arron Kendall of Moorfields were appointed Joint Administrators of FAB (Aberdeen) Limited on 9th August 2016.

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Business lending predicted to fall over next three years

Bank lending to business is predicted to shrink in the aftermath of the UK’s vote to leave the EU, according to the EY Item Club’s latest report on financial services.

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