News Centre

Small firms could save up to £10,000 by negotiating with suppliers

Around three quarters of SMEs in the UK say they don’t negotiate with their suppliers, according to a new survey.

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SME confidence falls to its lowest level in three years

Small business confidence has fallen to its lowest level since the first quarter of 2013, according to the latest Voice of Small Business Index published by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

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What are the most dangerous ‘hidden’ risks faced by today’s businesses?

Most businesses have cover and contingency plans in place for events such as fires and the impact of crime. Cyber-crime in particular has grown from a minor worry affecting only certain types of businesses to a genuine threat to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

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Was the Budget good news for Britain’s SMEs?

In the run up to the spring Budget a number of lobby groups and trade associations were calling on Chancellor George Osborne to introduce a range of measures to help small and medium businesses. So with the Budget speech delivered, how have SMEs in the UK fared?

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Food and drink sector faces a generational ‘time bomb’

Industry body the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink has warned that the food and drink sector is facing a serious image crisis, with young people ignoring the sector when it came to choosing careers.

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