News Centre

Two thirds of UK workers feel they are underpaid

Almost two thirds of British workers feel that they are not paid enough for the job that they do, according to a new study. Nearly half of these respondents said they were currently in the process of looking for a new job as a result of feeling undervalued.

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More than half of SMEs have no business ethics policy

The majority of businesses agree that the way they interact with customers, suppliers and other businesses is important, with more than half claiming to have been on the receiving end of unethical business practices. Despite this, most SMEs do not have a formal business ethics policy in place.

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Moorfields appointed Administrators over leisure and office complex in Aberdeen

Leading property insolvency and restructuring specialists Arron Kendall and Simon Thomas of Moorfields were appointed as joint administrators over a c. 200,000 sq ft mixed use property development in the centre of Aberdeen on 15 January 2016.

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Productivity declines as ‘most depressing day’ looms

UK production in all major sectors is shown to have declined from the previous month in the latest report by the Office for National Statistics. The Index of Production, released by the ONS on January 12, showed that overall production fell by 0.7% between October and November last year.

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Only a third of SMEs predict 2016 first quarter growth

A slowdown in growth and uncertainty in the wider economy has seen confidence amongst SMEs decline sharply over the past two years, according to a new survey.

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