News Centre

Is EU uncertainty negatively impacting on SMEs?

Around a third of small businesses in the UK have admitted to slowing investment plans in the wake of uncertainty surrounding the European Union, new research shows.

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SMEs are creating jobs but it is sustainable?

Small businesses across the UK have created 400,000 new job roles in the past year according to Office for National Statistics data, but is such growth sustainable?

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SMEs are wasting £82m annually on surplus energy

Small businesses across the UK are overspending on their energy bills by an incredible £82 million annually, according to new analysis.

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Think tank suggests devolution could drive SME growth

Cities that have greater control could drastically improve the fortunes of small businesses that operate within them, a leading think tank has claimed.

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Moorfields successfully find a buyer for Care Home Portfolio

Healthcare and property insolvency specialists Moorfields Corporate Recovery Ltd have successfully found a purchaser for the Consensa Care Group portfolio to Precious Homes.

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