News Centre

The impact of Christmas thefts on small businesses

The run-up to Christmas often sees an influx of customers going to stores in the hunt for the perfect gift, but this can lead to issues for the businesses concerned.

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What impact could a digital skills shortage have in 2015?

Creative and digital industries are reportedly facing a skills shortage in 2015 according to Hyper Island – but what effect could this have on UK businesses?

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Are SMEs delivering the right online customer experience?

Online shopping is growing in popularity and the internet is increasingly seen as a source of information when looking for goods.

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Is London’s broadband just not up to speed?

London’s digital economy is being hindered by poor broadband infrastructure, according to a new index that ranks top European capital cities.

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Could 2015 be a year of growth for SMEs?

Around half of SMEs are planning to grow in 2015 but the latest research suggests that many remain unaware of the financial options that are available to them.

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