News Centre

UK SMEs show Europe the export routes

The UK’s small businesses are leading the way when it comes to exporting, outperforming all of their European neighbours according to a new survey.

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UK SMEs back Small Business Bill

An overwhelming proportion of UK SMEs have backed the Small Business Bill that is currently manoeuvring its way through parliament.

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Growing talent crisis could slow business recovery

A growing talent gap in the UK labour market could severely disrupt British businesses as a result of slow growth and lost opportunities, Hays plc has claimed.

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The importance of reliable broadband for SMEs

A lack of a reliable internet connection would have a negative impact on more than half of online SMEs, according to new research.

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How SMEs can avoid bankruptcy

Avoiding bankruptcy proved to be too difficult for thousands of small businesses during the financial crisis, but as the economy recovers, those still trading will want to ensure they don’t suffer a similar fate.

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