News Centre

3 key questions that a struggling business should consider

When those in charge of a small company eventually come to terms with the fact that they are struggling, it is essential that big questions are asked as quickly as possible.

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First-time entrepreneurs and the common mistakes they make

It is easy to see why the idea of becoming an entrepreneur can be appealing. You can become your own boss, take control of the creative process and potentially use your ideas to create a successful company.

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Working on a small budget – tops tips for SMEs

Almost every SME will start off life with a limited budget. However, it is what you do with that budget that is likely to define how successful you are in the early stages of operation.

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Could an obsession with spreadsheets be slowing business growth?

Business operations and processes need to be well documented, but new research has suggested that doing so could be costing smaller businesses time and money.

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Are SMEs putting themselves at risk by not recruiting mature workers?

Small businesses could be missing out on the skills and experience of older workers, if the latest findings from the CIPD are to be believed.

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