News Centre

Raising export levels to boost business security

More than £15bn in additional export revenue is set to be raised by UK businesses in the next 12 months, boosting their financial security in the process.

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Why turn to business restructuring?

Business restructuring aims to rescue struggling companies and turn them around so that they can continue trading in a better way than before.

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The positives and negatives of the World Cup for businesses

It is widely regarded as one of the biggest sporting events in the world….but the World Cup is not guaranteed to have a positive effect on businesses.

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Choice of card payment options costing SMEs

SMEs across the UK could be losing out on hundreds of pounds a week because of a lack of card payment options, according to new research.

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Overcoming a skills shortage – the issues faced by businesses

With a population quickly approaching retirement age and a perceived lack of workers to replace them, there are concerns that a skills shortage could quickly envelop Britain.

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