News Centre

EU survey highlights need for innovation

Innovation is at the heart of company success, driving new ideas and concepts that will ultimately generate finance.

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The power of networking and branding for business

For many small companies, building up a reputation can take a considerable period of time and is certainly not something that occurs over night.

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Could an interest rate rise halt SME growth?

SMEs are widely reported to be looking at various methods of expansion, but growth plans could be thwarted by a potential rise in interest rates.

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What makes a good business leader?

While there is no set way to ensure business success, strong and well thought out leadership can help to take a firm in the right direction.

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Learning from the big boys – how SMEs can benefit

Larger companies will do things on a larger scale than smaller companies – simple logic dictates that – but those smaller firms can learn a lot from those above them in the pecking order.

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