News Centre

Could “Sharism” aid UK businesses?

The World Economic Summit in Davos saw the coining of a new phrase recently – the concept of “Sharism” whereby businesses share concepts and ideas.

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Growth in 2013 a great sign for UK business recovery

Official figures for 2013 suggest the year ended on a strong economic note for UK businesses, with the highest annual growth rates recorded for six years.

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Working smartly to ensure business success

Finding the best ways of dividing time to cover a multitude of issues is key to the running of a business, either as a start-up or once it is established.

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Moorfields appointed LPA Receivers of 6 Residential Care Homes on the south coast

Simon Thomas and Nicholas O’Reilly of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP, were appointed LPA Receivers over 6 Residential Care Homes on the South Coast on 23 January 2014.

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Improving access to finance for small businesses

The British Bankers’ Association has claimed banks are more willing to lend than a lot of small businesses have been led to believe.

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