News Centre

Care Sector Alert

“ONE-THIRD of care homes are substandard while the potential for neglect and abuse poses “huge worries”, the head of the sector regulator has admitted.” – a bold statement, appearing in The Sunday Times on 13 October 2013 reporting comments from David Prior, chairman of the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

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Retail Bulletin - UK Shopping Centres

Recent headlines heralding the beginnings of a recovery in the retail sector may do little to settle the nerves of investors in sub-prime secondary and tertiary retail space.

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Administration v Fixed Charge Receiver

When borrowers default what options are lenders left with to enforce their security? Moorfields explore the differences of Administration v Fixed Charge Receivership.

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Cost of cyber crime on the increase for UK SMEs

More UK organisations than before are being forced to face up to the costs of cybercrime according to a study.

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What are the benefits of carrying out a full strategic assessment?

Assessing a business is a vital aspect of ensuring that things are running in a smooth fashion and that the company is meeting targets.

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