News Centre

3 oddities of the current recession revealed

While the UK recently avoided plunging into a triple-dip recession thanks to a 0.3% lift in GDP in the first quarter of the year, the fear that the economy is always teetering on the brink of collapse –think quantitative easing, tight lending conditions and more – is ever present.

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The murky world of refinancing – how can I simplify this process?

While many businesses do not relish the prospect of raising further finance against their assets, the reality is that for a business to continue to operate successfully it needs access to working capital to effectively oil the wheels of its operation.

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Pivoting your business: how to do it and win

In an ever-changing economic landscape the need for businesses to be responsive and adaptive to market movements is essential.

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Intellectual property and how to protect it

At a time when the economic outlook still appears to be relatively hazy, businesses are pulling out all the stops to ensure that their portfolio of products and services stay on consumers’ radar to ensure that they avoid becoming yet another casualty of the economic downturn.

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Company assets – do you know what you have?

It is important to take stock of things every now and again in the business world. This could involve stepping back and looking at whether your employees are sufficiently motivated, or even assessing what your client turnover is.

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