News Centre

Getting started in the agriculture industry – what are the key mistakes I need to avoid?

After a harsh and prolonged winter, the plight of those working in the agricultural industry has been so great that major banks, farming charities and farming experts have come together to discuss a plan of action for the future at a landmark summit called by Environment Secretary Owen Paterson.

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House price boost gathers strong momentum

The latest Halifax House Price Index has produced some intriguingly positive results for consumers and mortgage providers everywhere.

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Leap in UK car sales defies European slump

A rise of almost 15% in UK car sales last month has reignited hopes that Britain’s car industry is weathering the economic crisis better than its European counterparts.

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Guide - HMRC: Payment issues and advice

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) play an incredibly important role in regulating and controlling the taxes, duties and customs payable by the majority of businesses. All companies will, at some point or another, have to co-operate with HMRC and some may struggle to meet the demands asked of them by this branch of the government. Interaction with HMRC can often be complicated and misunderstandings do take place. With this in mind, it’s important that any company has its payment procedures in order and knows how to seek advice or help if necessary.

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What are the key advantages of dissolving a subsidiary which isn’t performing?

If an SME has spent a period of time expanding successfully then there is the strong possibility the expansion has led to the creation of different strands to the business.

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