News Centre

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA) – The process explained

The new Debt Management Protocol, designed to cut down on poor advice from misleading debt management firms that is set to be implemented in April 2014, is likely to see an increase in the numbers applying for Individual Voluntary Agreements (IVA).

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Accelerated Mergers and Acquisitions

Businesses that are experiencing pressure on profitability may wish to consider an accelerated merger or acquisition. We review how the process could benefit your business.

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How landlords can work to recover rent arrears

With many private tenants in the UK struggling to meet their rental commitments, landlords may be facing an uphill battle to recover rent, and as result lose out on the yields they would normally gain from their portfolio of rental properties.

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Protecting your business against fraud – Five key steps

Fraud costs the UK’s private sector £45.5 billion each year, with small to medium sized businesses suffering losses of some £19 billion on an annual basis.

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Bankruptcy – Is it right for me?

With recent figures showing that household debts are increasing, consumers struggling to tackle their debts may consider bankruptcy as a final option in their attempt to take control of their financial situation.

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