News Centre

Bank of England expect inflation to remain above target for 2 more years

Bank of England (BoE) policy-maker David Miles has argued that the BoE may need to contemplate boosting its programme of quantitative easing by a further £175 billion in an effort to bolster the UK’s sluggish economy.

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Income growth stutters in the face of rising inflation

A new report on consumer spending power in 2013 has indicated that income growth remains weak as incomes struggle to keep pace with rising inflation levels

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Manufacturing sector provides timely boost to UK economy

A strong finish to the year within the manufacturing sector has raised hopes that the industry could be poised to make a sustained and positive contribution to the UK economy.

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Enterprise scheme encourages SME's

Initial findings from a government-backed enterprise scheme have indicated that the benefits of the scheme to the wider economy could be potentially significant.

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Winter chill keeps consumers at home and hits UK retailers hard

Plummeting winter temperatures have undeniably left their mark on retail spending in Britain. The number of new shoppers filling their baskets in January has fallen by 3.3% as snow and adverse weather conditions kept many consumers away from the UK high streets.

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