News Centre

UK retail crime costs reach a record high

The annual cost of retail crime to British businesses hit a new high in 2014 - 2015. According to the British Retail Consortium’s Retail Crime Survey 2015, the direct cost of crime to the UK retail industry rose to £613 million. This was a rise of 2% over the previous year and the highest total since records began.

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Sex discrimination cases continue to cost businesses in the UK

Many firms in the UK are costing themselves large sums in Employment Tribunal Awards by breaking workplace discrimination rules, according to new figures.

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Moorfields appointed Receivers over Farm Site in Durham

On 11th February 2016 Simon Thomas and Arron Kendall, Agriculture specialists from Moorfields, were appointed Joint LPA Receivers over High Grange Farm, West Street, Hett.

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UK businesses at risk to volatile currency markets

Many UK SMEs are failing to protect themselves against fluctuations in the currency markets, according to a new report from Reuters.

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Lending to small business improves but problems still remain

Bank lending to small businesses has grown for the first time since the financial crash but problems still remain, according to a new report.

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