News Centre

Corporate insolvencies fall but firms must be watchful

Company insolvencies fell to their lowest level since 1989 last year, according to the latest figures released by the Insolvency Service. However, firms should remain watchful should the situation change.

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Small businesses see a huge rise in cyber-attacks

Almost three quarters of SMEs in the UK reported experiencing a security breach over the past year, according to the latest Government Security Breaches Survey.

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44% of SMEs believe they are not at risk of cyber-crime

Almost half of all SMEs in the UK said they do not believe they are at risk of becoming the victims of cyber-crime, according to a new survey. This could put them at serious risk if they fail to take adequate steps to protect themselves against attacks.

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New health and safety sentencing guidelines come into force

New sentencing guidelines for corporate manslaughter, health and safety and food safety offences have now come into force. The Sentencing Council’s Definitive Guideline for the Sentencing of Health and Safety, Corporate Manslaughter and Food Safety and Hygiene offences took effect from February 1 and could see the steepest fines rise up to £20 million.

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Seven in ten SMEs have been hit by bad weather

As the tail end of Storm Jonas is followed closely by Storm Gertrude, more UK businesses are braced for disruption. Rain, high winds and flooding have all hit the headlines in recent weeks but despite the effects they can have on small businesses, many remain under-insured.

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