News Centre

What can be done to save the British high street?

There was once a time when the high streets of towns all across England were the thriving hubs of the community, but that has changed considerably over the years.

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Relying on social media to promote business

Developing a business revolves around building a customer base and it seems more SMEs than ever before are turning to social media to achieve it.

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Late payers owe SMEs nearly £55 billion

Late payments to businesses in the UK have more than doubled since the summer of 2013, with SMEs now owed almost £55 billion.

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Manufacturers look to home in bid to boost profits

Many small and medium sized enterprises are bringing the manufacturing aspects of their businesses back to the UK to cut costs and improve quality.

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Accounting boosts for businesses ahead of new tax year

Small and medium sized enterprises in the UK could save time and money in the next tax year by adopting a simpler approach to accounting.

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