News Centre

Could business rate reform boost the UK economy?

Potential business rate reforms could have a major impact on companies across the UK, especially those with tight financial constraints.

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The importance of having a mobile-optimised website

A lack of mobile-optimised websites could mean UK SMEs are missing out on £77 billion in annual revenue, according to a recent survey.

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A quarter of SMEs turn to payday finance – but are there alternatives?

The latest research suggests that more than half of SMEs would not consider approaching a bank for finance, while others were even considering payday finance as a solution.

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Business optimism at 22-year high

Optimism among UK businesses is at its highest level in 22 years, according to a survey from business consultants BDO.

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Economic growth of 2.5% predicted for 2014

In a boost for companies across the UK, economic growth of 2.5% is predicted for the coming year.

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