News Centre

How SMEs can use exports to prevent financial woe

The initial stages of an economic recovery are currently underway, and confidence among British businesses appears to be soaring at present.

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Business rate changes can positively impact thousands of companies

The government has paved the way for a set of radical business reforms that could see an overhaul of business rates and wide-scale infrastructure investment.

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Could “Sharism” aid UK businesses?

The World Economic Summit in Davos saw the coining of a new phrase recently – the concept of “Sharism” whereby businesses share concepts and ideas.

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Growth in 2013 a great sign for UK business recovery

Official figures for 2013 suggest the year ended on a strong economic note for UK businesses, with the highest annual growth rates recorded for six years.

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Working smartly to ensure business success

Finding the best ways of dividing time to cover a multitude of issues is key to the running of a business, either as a start-up or once it is established.

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