News Centre

What can we learn from the Travelodge story?

In 2011 the budget hotel chain was reporting massive losses and Travelodge chief executive Grant Hearn had his work cut out to rescue the situation.

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Is the government doing enough to encourage SME growth?

Since entering the recession there has been a continuous push for business recovery and only now, in the latter part of 2013, are things seemingly looking up.

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Care Sector Alert

“ONE-THIRD of care homes are substandard while the potential for neglect and abuse poses “huge worries”, the head of the sector regulator has admitted.” – a bold statement, appearing in The Sunday Times on 13 October 2013 reporting comments from David Prior, chairman of the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

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Retail Bulletin - UK Shopping Centres

Recent headlines heralding the beginnings of a recovery in the retail sector may do little to settle the nerves of investors in sub-prime secondary and tertiary retail space.

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Administration v Fixed Charge Receiver

When borrowers default what options are lenders left with to enforce their security? Moorfields explore the differences of Administration v Fixed Charge Receivership.

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