News Centre

Cost of cyber crime on the increase for UK SMEs

More UK organisations than before are being forced to face up to the costs of cybercrime according to a study.

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What are the benefits of carrying out a full strategic assessment?

Assessing a business is a vital aspect of ensuring that things are running in a smooth fashion and that the company is meeting targets.

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Standard corporate advice that every company could use in the current climate

Business by its very nature is very turbulent, with change possible at any given moment.

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The importance of getting a planning application right

When planning to alter existing buildings or to build new ones, having the correct planning permission in place is vital.

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Could improving pub food be the key to saving them from closure?

An average of 16 pubs a week are falling foul of the current economic conditions and being forced to close, while an estimated 4,000 are expected to cease trading by 2014.

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